The Short Courses for Water and Wastewater Operators offer training, information, and insights that will enable the water and wastewater systems personnel to operate their facilities in a more effective, safe, and economical manner.  The courses offer new ideas and serve as a “refresher” for existing operators.

​Click on the links below for a summary of each of the Short Courses.  Detailed information on the individual topics is in the complete Short Course Program, which you can download above.

Attendance at these classes in no way implies a guarantee that those participating in the sessions are assured of passing the State Certification exam. However, over the long history of the Short Courses, MDE results indicate that our courses have proven helpful in preparing for the exams.

*NOTE - to sit for the MDE Exam, you must register with them separately.  Click the link in the box on the right for more information on the MDE Exam.